Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bristol Palin and The Situation Become Fast Friends

Bristol Palin and The Situation Become Fast Friends
Video: Bristol Palin and The Situation on Safe Sex PSA

This season's "" contestants and The Situation have become fast friends, and together they appeared on a PSA to discuss the importance of safe sex. While Palin insists on abstinence, the "" star believes in sex using condoms. But they agree on one thing, "Pause Before You Play".

The PSA opens with Situation checking on a two scantily-clad girls before making his moves to Palin. In real life, Palin is an ambassador to Candie's Foundation, a non profit organization with the mission to educate America's youth about the devastating consequences of teenage pregnancy. Situation asks her, "I know you're all about that abstinence thing, but come on, B-Palin, are you serious? You're not gonna hook up before you're married? For real?"

Palin answers, "For real." Situation says he's on a different lane but he's practicing a safe sex too. "I actually practice a whole lot [of safe sex], I mean a whole lot. ...The safe part, we've got the safe part down pat," he quips before pulling condoms out of his pocket and exclaiming "Wapow! Magnums!" He goes on offering one to Palin but she declines because she avoids "the situation".

"I've been working with the Candie's Foundation for almost two years now," Palin said about the PSA. "I'm a teen mom, so this was an issue that's near and dear to my heart. We're coming together today to open up dialog about teen pregnancy."

For Situation, it was about his friendship with Palin. "Me and BP here are kind of tight and I heard about the cause and I was like, you know, even though I do get into 'situations' here and there, I just want to let everyone know you do have to stay protected," he said.

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